
Mitsui Green Land! Land of green and scary jet coasters (we don't say roller coaster here in Japan). Our first ride of the day was the wonderfully titled coaster.

After a quick Wikipedia search I learned that grampus is another name for orca. Which now makes total sense because the carts for the coaster were....orcas. Grampus sounds totally better and like a cramp your grandfather only gets. It was a mediocre coaster, some good turns, but didn't feel fast enough.

Next up was this beauty. The GAO Jet Coaster.

GAO is, supposedly, the sound a dinosaur makes. At least that's what my friend told me and he looked pretty unsure. This ride was a lot of fun; super fast and loud. Along the ride there were tires attached to the tracks so when the cart passed by it would make a sound, possibly like a dinosaur. It didn't sound like "gao". The scariest part of the ride was getting into the cart. I'm 6" 1' and the engineers really didn't have me in mind when designing GAO. I got into the cart and couldn't sit correctly. I had to sit at a 45 degree angle, with my feet where the other passenger would have put theirs. I flagged down the GAO operator and asked if this was okay, and he motioned that it wasn't a problem. So right from the start it was going to be a scary ride. It was, but lots of fun.

One of the greatest things about Mitsui Green Land was the disregard for copyrights. Throughout the park were Disney characters plastered on snack bars and gift shops. Example:

A blatant rip off of Bambi. It even says Bambi in katakana under the picture. But, what you really don't see is what else is written. Take a closer look.

Yes, it reads Foods Sohp. So sweet.

1 comment:

stinkyrobot said...

Maybe you can stock up on Prongles at the Foods Sohp.