
The Japanese love McDonald's. They just can't get enough of it. The shops are everywhere. In fact the mall by my house has two of them inside. Two! Nuts. A couple months back they introduced the Mega Mac. It's a Big Mac with twice the amount of meat patties. I remember seeing it advertised and thinking, "Wow, I bet that gives you horrible diarrhea." But before I could order one, they were gone. For a limited time only, and probably a good idea at that. There was a value meal that included: a Mega Mac, fries, soda, and chicken nuggets. Chicken nuggets! What were they thinking? Well, it's back. And I had one.

They're back and for a limited time again, for a week at a time until the beginning of May. What I noticed missing this time was the lack of chicken nugget value menu. I guess they figured people were getting fat enough off of four meat pattied sandwiches. Here it is in all it's glory.

Oh, what a beast. And heavy too. Almost as big as a Smurf. The taste is awe inspiring. All the taste of a Big Mac but with more meat. They don't go overboard with more sauce or lettuce; the extra meat taste is strong but not so to just be all meaty. I just can't believe I ate the whole thing.

I have to say, I didn't get diarrhea. Quite the opposite indeed.

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