
Snack time here at the ol' stinky robot. First up is a machine I saw at a shrine in Fukuoka. I'll be putting the pics up on my Flickr site shortly. You can see my pics if you hit the link on the side. It's a pretty standard vending machine at first glance; coffee, juice, tea, sports drinks, cocoa. But at teh bottom are Kit Kats! Regular style and white chocolate. Nothing says lovin' like a vending machine Kit Kat.

Japan has some love affair with Pringles. I am not sure what it is, but all the great flavors are available here. A couple years back I fell in love with the Curry flavor. unfortunately they are no longer available here. Then there was the Sausage flavor. A lil too heavy for me, but still pretty tasty. Now we have...

These are so good! You just can't go wrong with Grilled Cheese flavor. The image of the open faced grilled cheese sandwich gets me everytime. The cheese looks so darn good. But what exactly is Griled Cheese flavor? I am going to do my best to describe the party in my mouth.The chip itself is your standard Pringle chip. The taste is like a wonderful salty cheese. Maybe a mixture of cheddar and american cheese. But then there is almost a parmesan taste in there too. Damn, maybe the Grilled Cheese flavor is beyond words. All I know is this may be my new favorite. I will be bringing some of these back to the states when I visit, sharing the love of Pringles.


stinkyrobot said...

You might be right. I haven't had the curry flavor in a long time so maybe the grilled cheese just seems like the best. They are really good though. Just don't eat too many or you might end up on the toilet Lionel Richie style. All night long.

stinkyrobot said...

Yes! Feel free to use Lionel Richie style. I made it for the world. As long as I can use Prongles we have a deal. I think if the Mork uses Lionel Richie style, I have made it in this world.

The Sausage Prongles had a very heavy summer sausage smell to them. Almost a kick in the face smell. The taste was so dense, it didn't feel like you were eating a Prongle. Very strange indeed. I haven't seen them lately so maybe they came to their senses and pulled them from the market. The world isn't ready for a Sausage Prongle.